I was hesitant about releasing the pics for my beret, even though I had finished this long ago. Mostly because I wanted really good pics of me modeling it in a matching outfit. But the weather won't cooperate, I can't seem to be well for 2 days straight, and my husband never seems in the mood for a photo shoot. And then I gave it some thought. Maybe my trademark should be that I am seldom seen in my photos. Maybe I can be like the Wizard behind the curtain. Because, lets face it. Me being a model would be like Bridget Jones doing a Victoria's Secret fashion shoot. Now, both the fictional Bridget and I have a close band of friends that we love and who love us. She even has Colin Firth (lucky wench!). I have my hubby (my version of Colin). But we all know that there will be no pics of me popping up in a Frederick's of Hollywood ad anytime soon. So I guess that I will have to let my work speak for itself.
This was a stashbuster project. The yarn I used is really fuzzy. When they said slouchy, I had no idea. I was starting to get nervous, because it looked like it was never going to end, and all I was making was a really long tube. But I do like the squishyness of the cables. And it is *really* slouchy. Sometimes it kind of wants to fall off of my head. Personally, I think it would be better suited for someone with really long hair, but I am going to keep it anyway because I love the color.
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