First, another shout out to Julie Crawford, of, for her recent pattern publish in knitty. It seems like a lovely racerback. If my time was not consumed with literally 1,000 other commissioned projects, I would love to make that. I have been racking my brains for an appropriate summer knit. The racerback looks great on her, as usual. But she could design a mauve potato sack, wear no make up, and still look like Petra Nemcova. I hope that it would look well on me. I very rarely make anything for myself, especially sweaters. I have a difficult time with my body proportions. I am very short, short-waisted, and busty.
Everybody always thinks it is soooooo great to have big boobs. Let me tell ya, it ain't so hot. My wardrobe options are severely limited. And big bras aren't particularly cute. You would think that big boobs would be the perfect accessory to every outfit, but they are more like your worst nightmare. What fits on top is like a circus tent on the bottom. What fits on the bottom makes it look like your cups runneth over. And I do not particularly like to have my chest poking out in all directions. I prefer to be tastefully modest. I think that you can be covered and sexy at the same time.
On the plus side, while knitting in a dr.'s office yesterday, I was complimented for a beret I was wearing. A lady struck up a converstation with me, asking me about my knitting, do I accept commissioned projects, design, etc. So I explained to her the nature of what I was doing and attempting to delve into currently, and she said that she would be interested in at least 2 hats of a similar nature to mine and potentially a blanket and sweater in the near future. Yippee! This just proves what I had been saying to my husband:
1.) It was a good thing for me to buy those gosh darn business cards.
2.) It was good for me to have a blog and a ravelry id.
3.) It is always good for me to wear at least 1 thing that I have made out in public, and that I need to make more things for myself.
4.) We need a better camera, and I need to post more pics of myself.
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