No folks. And when I say folks, I mean the one reader, even if there is one reader, that I have, I am refering to them all as "folks." I have been contemplating the concept of podcasts. When I first started venturing into the world of the online knitting community, I thought about someday doing a podcast. But I came to a revelation.
I can't do it. I just can't. I don't think that I have the dedication, the desire, the money for the computer equipment, or the computer that can take it. My husband is doing well to learn how to turn on the computer and check his email.
Our goal as a family (just me, hubby, and 2 mini schnauzers) is to simplify our life to the point where all we have is a large truck, and a large travel trailer to live in so that we can go where the work is and help those who are in need. We are both interested in becoming more fluent in our Spanish (we get by), and I speak ASL, so we would like to spend 1/2 our year in the Dominican Republic, where they use both.
Currently, I am a disabled housewife. I love knitting and crocheting. It is my addiction, my love. And I hope to have a little cupboard of yarn in my trailer. If I could find a way to just make a few patterns and sell them as pdfs on ravelry, that would be just enough for me. No solid patterns, no trunk shows, no grand enterprises. No podcasts. I notice that when I get into the community more, I neglect my life and the ones I love more.
I don't want to do that. I want to learn to snowshoe, love to hike, maybe kayak, learn photography, and not spend as much time inside. I want to live. I mean really live. But I want to incorporate my knitting and crocheting too, and hopefully make a little money at it.
Am I asking too much? Do you guys get what I mean? Any advice?
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