Welcome, folks. Today I am reviewing Rowan Kidsilk Haze, popular in lace knitting. I had an opportunity to use it in the Lace-Tipped striped scarf pattern by Hannah Fettig, which I will be showing pics of on Friday. I can see the value of its popularity due to its lightness and, obviously, the light aura, or "haze" that it provides in the finished product. Also, it has quite a bit of yardage , running at 229 yards per ball. I paid $14.95 a ball at Jimmy Beans Wool, my preferred online yarn store of choice. Also, they come in a wide range of colors.
I have read 20 reviews on the yarn, most commenting on the softness of the fabric provided. The downside being the tediousness of the thin thread. I must concur. I have to say that I would probably use it for only 1 pattern I have. I made a really beautiful long lace scarf early in my knitting career. It was my first lace endeavor ever. It called for a ball of le fibre nobili. Similar effect. But if you make any mistakes with this yarn, you are proverbially screwed. To try to undo it is to make a massive tangle of yarn. So you almost have to buy a "safety ball" to cover your butt. I am not sure it is worth the risk.
So, my conclusion is: Nice effect, but you might want to think twice. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Rowan Kidsilk Haze in Dewberry, a lavender color
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