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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Post holiday post
Well, I am back! I needed a vacation from my vacation. I don't have any new yarn reviews, but I do have 3 new projects on the needles and many new plans in the works. I also have discovered that I have a knitting condition that I would like to call SSKD. That is slip slip knit disfunction. I can't seem to do it. I get the concept. Don't get me wrong. I read the directions a thousand times. I can slip slip fine. But when it comes to the knit part, something goes awry. I get all fouled up. I would say it successfully get accomplished 2 out of 10 times. The other times I have to bring in a crochet hook, and jerry rig it to work. Does any one in the cyber knitting world have any suggestions? Or am I permanently doomed?
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