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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Review: Sweater Quest by Adrienne Martini

I was attracted to this book by 2 things: There was a going out of business sale at Borders. I love books about trying to knit your dream. For the author, it was the Mary Tudor sweater by Alice Starmore. So, I had myself all setup for crack-me-up, pee-in-your pants antics.
While there was some of that, it seemed like she spent 2/3 of the book explaining copyright issues with Alice Starmore's name and patterns. A brief synopsis would have done, but I got the whole gosh darn encyclopedia. Good Lord! Then the never ending quest for the yarn, the color card comparison, etc., etc., etc. as Yul Brenner would say.
Then there was the ultimate philosopical question:"If I change any of my techniques or alter the yarn even a tiny bit, am I still making a Starmore?" WHO THE HECK FREAKIN' CARES?! Just get on with the book! Then she had the audacity go around the country and explore that very same question with every knitting rockstar she could corner. Stephanie Pearl McPhee, The Mason Dixon Girls, the mind reels.
So, in short, I just couldn't wait for the book to end. I would give it 2 stars.

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