Well, folks, on and back to my knitterly life. In the midst of all the chaos of preparing to move, I managed to make myself some fingerless mitts. They are based off of the pattern of the lettuce fingerless mitts to be made out of full o' sheep by the stitch nation. I needed something quick and fast. I was knitting at the speed of light, despite the world crumbling around me, but the cold weather was killing my hands and wrists.
For those of you who do not know, I suffer acutely from fibromyalgia. It is an autoimmune disorder that displays itself in many ways that make itself a nuisance and a pain in my behind, but one of them is something that resembles almost debilitating rheumatoid arthritis.
So it has a lace pattern down the front. I enjoyed this pattern because it does not actually knit in the round. It knits the flat and then you just sew up the side seam and the thumb. It was fast. I chose the color passion fruit because I have a tendency to enjoy jewel-colored tones. But I enjoyed them so much, that I am going to make a quick pair in black and lettuce. Eventually.
And all of my friends love them. So my friend Marcie wants a pair. I hate orange, as I have stated on several occasions, but I am making a pair in clementine. No doubt they will be the subject of my next post. Or my brambles beret. We shall wait and see.
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