Well, this was the week for animals. Amphibians and reptiles. Toy animals, more specifically. Both were patterns from the Spud says! blog by Spud and Chloe. Both required the Spud and Chloe Sweater yarn. I used the turtle and grass colorways that were called for. I did the Ribbit and Tuck patterns. The ribbit I did just because it was so darn cute and because it called for a tennis ball as the body, which totally intrigued me. Also, I try to build up a stash of projects for people who are having babies because it seems to get away from me, and then I try to do 5 baby blankets all at one time and 10 other unrelated projects, which is happening to me now. And inevitably, one of them ends up being the baby blanket from hell. Then I end up being completely unmotivated to finish it and dreading it. Never work with baby boucle. So here is Ribbit:
Then there was Tuck. He is a completely adorable turtle. He is named Tuck because you sew on a plate under his shell that allows you to tuck in his head, legs and tail. It only took me parts of 2 days to finish. Totally simple and gratifying. I love him. His embroidery leaves something to be desired. The only scary part is that I made him for the daughter of a friend that is a world-class knitter, and I am terrified that either she has one already or that she will think that I totally suck. So here is Tuck:
In reality, I have 5 more projects to talk about, post, and add to my ravelry profile, but I am STILL waiting for the buttons to add. I am also waiting for me to feel better so that I can be in the pictures and not look psychotic. I have a horrific cold. Between the cold and the flu, it is debatable as far as whether I even have an immune system left. Well, see you next week, and happy winter knitting!
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